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What is Portuguese Sparkling Wine Called?

What is Portuguese Sparkling Wine Called?

What is Portuguese Sparkling Wine Called?

All around the globe, the standards for producing sparkling wine have been at their highest in Portugal since the 16th century. Many connoisseurs of fine wine have admired Portuguese sparkling wine in recent decades, and it continues to surge in popularity both in Portugal and worldwide. If you’re interested in this exciting and unique type of wine and want to learn more about what it’s called and how it’s made, then this article is for you.

Exploring What Makes Sparkling Wine Sparkling

Most sparkling wines are made using the Champagne method, but some wines' Portuguese sparkling wine-making process differs slightly. To understand what makes Portuguese sparkling wine unique, it’s necessary to look at what makes it special.

The first step in making any sparkling wine is fermentation. Sugar and yeast are added to the grape must to cause a second fermentation. During this stage, the yeast consumes the sugar and produces alcohol and carbon dioxide, which creates the characteristic bubbles in sparkling wine. The winemaker must carefully monitor fermentation to get the desired taste and enthusiasm.

Once fermentation is complete, the wine is aged in stainless steel tanks. After aging, the sparkling wine is bottled and stored upright, allowing the carbon dioxide produced during fermentation to create tiny bubbles in the liquid. This is what makes sparkling wine so unique.

The Unique History of Portuguese Sparkling Wine

Portugal has a unique and exciting history regarding sparkling wine and is one of the oldest producers in the world. The history of Portuguese sparkling wine started over 500 years ago, in the 16th century. At this time, Portugal was in its Age of Discoveries, when Portuguese navigators were exploring the world and bringing back new ingredients, flavors, and wines from the colonies.

Once these Portuguese explorers returned to Portugal, they experimented with different winemaking techniques to create their unique sparkling wines. As their trading networks expanded, the Portuguese sparkling wine style spread to other areas, particularly Italy, France, and England.

Portuguese sparkling wine producers still draw on their centuries-old techniques to make their sparkling wines. The sparkling wines are made using methods tradicionais, a traditional way developed by the Portuguese, which uses naturally occurring lactic acid fermentation and fermentation in the bottle. This method produces wines with robust character and complexity.

What is Portuguese Sparkling Wine Called?

The official name of sparkling wine in Portugal is vinho spumante. However, several other terms are used to refer to this fascinating style of wine. Portuguese winemakers often use their unique names, such as espresso, mousseux, and foaming wine, to refer to sparkling wine.

In terms of varieties, Portugal has some of the most unique sparkling wines in the world. The two main types of sparkling wines produced are Espumante and Espumoso. Espumante is the drier variety of sparkling wine, while Espumoso is the sweeter.

Famous Portuguese Sparkling Wines

Some of the most renowned Portuguese sparkling wines come from the region of Bairrada, located in central Portugal. In this region, the most significant production of sparkling wines can be found. Two of the most famous Portuguese sparkling wines are Adega da Bairrada and Garrafeira Bruto.

Adega da Bairrada was the first sparkling wine producer in the area, and their wines are made using their signature blend of native Portuguese grapes. Their flagship product is called Espumante Bruto.

Garrafeira Bruto is a premium sparkling wine made from a blend of native Baga and Touriga Nacional grapes. This wine has a light herbal nose and a delicate mousse.

Essential Tips for Enjoying Portuguese Sparkling Wine

If you’re planning on trying some of Portugal’s sparkling wines, here are some essential tips to keep in mind:

  • Like any other type of wine, it’s best to drink Portuguese sparkling wines when chilled. Please keep them in the fridge for at least an hour before serving.

  • If you want to get the best out of your sparkling wine, please just open the bottle. Take your time, and don’t twist the cork too fast.

  • You can try serving your sparkling wine in a champagne flute for the best experience.

  • Regarding pairings, go for light appetizers and foods like caviar, smoked salmon, or simple sandwiches.

Final Thoughts

Portugal is known for its long winemaking tradition, and the sparkling wines produced in this country are no exception. The unique production process and various styles make Portuguese sparkling wines unique. These are just a few reasons Portuguese sparkling wines continue to surge in popularity. If you’re looking for something new and exotic, Portuguese sparkling wine is worth a try.

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